Sean Myers was born in Connecticut in 1988. His childhood revolved around baseball until high school, when he took up writing novels. He would rediscover these writings in 2010, read a few pages, throw them all away, and regret nothing.
Wanting to make a career out of writing fiction, but fully aware that most authors make very little money doing it, Sean went to the University of New Hampshire on a scholarship starting in 2006. He wanted to get a job and write novels in his free time. He majored in English and picked up a minor in Philosophy, though his focus evolved over the next four years from creative writing to pre-modern British literature. While at UNH, Sean suffered from wanderlust, studying abroad at the National University of Ireland – Galway, and at Cambridge University, in Gonville & Caius College.
After graduating with honors in the English Department and magna cum laude, Sean found himself living in his parents’ house, torn between pursuing a career in teaching or going to law school. He was offered a job as a substitute teacher at his old hometown in the high school and middle schools. When he got back from his first day subbing, he took a nap that lasted for four hours. When he woke up, he applied to take the LSAT.
Enamored with the idea of becoming a human rights lawyer, Sean was accepted at the University of Cincinnati College of Law, one of the leading institutions for international human rights. During his first year, Sean started working at the Human Rights Quarterly and spent his summer as a judicial intern on the High Court of Botswana.

On graduating, however, Sean had no employment prospects. He worked odd jobs to make ends meet, including in the Cincinnati Enquirer and as a writer for the Cincinnati Revolution, the local semi-professional ultimate frisbee team. The exposure led to more opportunities, including with USA Ultimate Magazine and Ultiworld, both leading publications in the sport, as well as Sean’s first legal writing client.
Intending to use these gigs as the way to cover expenses while he studied for the bar exam, Sean moved to Rochester, New York, in late 2015. He took and passed the bar in 2016 and then moved to Brooklyn to further his legal career, to little avail, and to resurrect his novel-writing ambitions. It was during this time that he came up with the premise for his debut novel, Flight of Fools.
Souring on life in the Big Apple, where one could have the time or the money to enjoy the city, but never both, Sean fled the city for an adventure to Taiwan, where he lived for nearly a year before returning to Rochester in 2018. By this point, Sean’s freelance legal writing career had taken off and he only completed the paperwork necessary to become a certified attorney because his bar exam scores were about to expire.
He put the finishing touches on Flight of Fools in December, 2021, soon before moving to the Adirondacks. He currently lives there with his dog, a German Shepherd and Husky mix named Marlowe.

Press Biography
Sean Myers was born in Connecticut in 1988. He graduated with a B.A. in English from the University of New Hampshire in 2010 and with a J.D. in human rights law from the University of Cincinnati College of Law. His writings have appeared in numerous places in print and online, including in the Cincinnati Enquirer, Ethical Traveler, and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. Flight of Fools is his first novel.
Sean works as a freelance legal writer. He lives in the Adirondacks with his dog, Marlowe.